

What is the relationship between elevators and stairs in hig
Date:2019-07-21   Source:GERSON ELEVATOR   Author:创始人
Although elevators are installed in high-rise residential buildings. However, the stairs can not be saved, it can still be used as the main means of transport for the following layers of residents, as a means of transport between the short-distance (adjacent layers) of the residents, as an evacuation channel for the residents in an extraordinary situation. Therefore, the stairs are indispensable, and the location and quantity of the stairs must be both safe and convenient. First of all, it must comply with the requirements of the National "High-rise Civil Building Design Fire Code". Pay attention to the service area of ​​each staircase and the distance between the two stairwells in the tower house. Due to the compact layout of the stairs and the elevator core, a scissor staircase can be used to obtain the evacuation openings in both directions.

Secondly, the choice of the position of the stairs and the relationship of the elevator should be appropriate. As an auxiliary means of the elevator, it should be combined with the elevator organically. In order to complement each other. For slab or other forms of dwelling, the impact of the location of the main building and elevator on the plan and shape of the dwelling should be considered when arranging the stairway. In the case of multi-directional corridors, such as crosses, T-shaped, H-shaped corridors.

It should be placed as close as possible to the intersection of the corridors to facilitate the concentration of people in multiple directions. In the case of a one-line corridor, the appropriate location should be selected according to the length of the building and the fire code to the safe evacuation spacing so that the number of stairs is as small as possible.